Tittle : Is Jack Heath A Graduate Of UMES?
link : Is Jack Heath A Graduate Of UMES?
Is Jack Heath A Graduate Of UMES?
When you decide to run for County Executive and put your resume out there claiming you were a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), you might want to make sure your grammatical and spelling is accurate first. What's with all the acronyms? What's with all the improper capitalization and grammar? The list goes on and on. Idiot!
Ladies & Gentlemen, this guy is simply a pawn for Mayor Jake Day and you can expect several more names to pop up before the election. Their intent is to take as many votes away from Bob Culver as possible. Why, because it's a GAME to these Good Ol' Boys / Liberals. It's not what's in your best interest, unless you are into higher taxes, gay marriage and stuff like that.
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That's an article Is Jack Heath A Graduate Of UMES? This time, hopefully can benefit for you all. Okay, see you in other article posting.
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